mercoledì 20 ottobre 2010

DANIELE BUETTI Dreams result in more dreams

1955 Born in Fribourg, Switzerland, Lives in Zürich
Since 2004 Professor at the University of fine Art, Münster, Germany

No artist is ever immune to prejudices and misunderstandings, ever more so when one makes use of the imagery of popular culture and of its outward signs, stereotypes, and clichés. It is just as with an actor who is mistaken for the character he or she plays, or with the bearer of bad news who is punished.
Advertising beauties, labels, super stars, images, lifestyle are signs and concepts of a phenomenon I am interested in less for aesthetic than for socio-cultural reasons: Which effects does the media omnipotence in our society have on our mind? In which manner do images change our perceptions of the world and to what extent do the media castrate our senses?

Daniele Buetti

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