giovedì 28 ottobre 2010

Liu Xiaofang I rimember

Liu Xiaofang 1980 born in Datong city,Shanxi province,china.

Education :graduate from department of photography, The Central Academy of Fine Arts,Beijng.


martedì 26 ottobre 2010

Angelo Cricchi Tears of Eros

Tears of Eros is a declared homage to Georges Bataille. The portraits in this series exude sensual beauty and pain.
My work in recent years has focused on female iconography. In particular, two projects still under construction.
Gloomy Sunday (imaginary portraits of women who chose death) and Misty Beethoven Erotic Parade.
Gloomy Sunday is a series of imaginary portraits of fifty women suicide. Women of cinema, art, literature and imagination played by actresses, artists and ordinary women with a strong likelihood with the characters represented . between These Sylvia Plath, Ann Sexton, Emma Bovary, Frida Kahlo, Virginia Woolf and Sarah Kane.
The "Misty Beethoven Erotic Parade" is a photographic journey through the icons of desire. Thirty pictures of sinners in a search that begins with the birth of photography and arrives today A festive kaleidoscope of sensual heroines drawn from the collective imagination.

Angelo Cricchi "Tears of Eros è un dichiarato omaggio a Georges Bataille. I ritratti di questa serie trasudano bellezza sensuale e dolore.
Il mio lavoro degli ultimi anni è incentrato sulla iconografia femminile. In particolare con due progetti tutt’ora in corso d’opera.
Gloomy Sunday (ritratti immaginari di donne che hanno scelto la Morte) e Misty Beethoven Erotic Parade.
Gloomy Sunday, è una serie di ritratti immaginari di cinquanta donne suicide. Donne dell’arte del cinema,della letteratura e dell’immaginazione interpretate da attrici, artiste e donne comuni con una forte verosimiglianza con i personaggi rappresentati..Tra queste Sylvia Plath, Ann Sexton, Frida Kahlo Emma Bovary, Virginia Woolf e Sarah Kane.
La “Misty Beethoven Erotic Parade” è un viaggio fotografico tra le icone del desiderio. Trenta immagini di peccatrici in una ricerca che prende inizio con la nascita della fotografia ed arriva ai giorni nostri Un festoso caleidoscopio di eroine sensuali tratte dall immaginario collettivo.
“Tears of Eros” consiste in una scelta mirata estrapolata da questi due lavori."

In mostra a OFFICINE FOTOGRAFICHE a Roma fino al 23novembre 2010

mercoledì 20 ottobre 2010

DANIELE BUETTI Dreams result in more dreams

1955 Born in Fribourg, Switzerland, Lives in Zürich
Since 2004 Professor at the University of fine Art, Münster, Germany

No artist is ever immune to prejudices and misunderstandings, ever more so when one makes use of the imagery of popular culture and of its outward signs, stereotypes, and clichés. It is just as with an actor who is mistaken for the character he or she plays, or with the bearer of bad news who is punished.
Advertising beauties, labels, super stars, images, lifestyle are signs and concepts of a phenomenon I am interested in less for aesthetic than for socio-cultural reasons: Which effects does the media omnipotence in our society have on our mind? In which manner do images change our perceptions of the world and to what extent do the media castrate our senses?

Daniele Buetti

venerdì 8 ottobre 2010

Lynn Bianchi

Il lavoro di Lynn Bianchi è una costante indagine sulla percezione e l'interpretazione dell'ideale classico del nudo femminile.
Lynn Bianchi vive a New York, lei interpreta con una coreografia da sogno la cultura culinaria del 20 ° secolo. Le sue opere mostrano, non senza ironia donne nude che mangiano spaghetti, bevono il tè, telefonano, e ridono, ridono molto.

Lynn Bianchi's work is a constant inquiry into the perception and interpretation of the classical ideal of the female nude. New York photographer interprets with a dreamlike choreography the culinary culture of the 20th century. Her works show, not without irony, a female world: Naked women eat spaghetti, drink tea, telephone, and laugh. "We celebrate and ritualize, our sensuality and humanity around a meal at the table. Yet, we seem unable to accept those bodies which show the excessive effects of such pleasure.